Prof. Frenzel
11 min read5 days ago
#KB Probability Theory — Part 1- Introduction to Probability Distributions

Dear Statisticians!

How likely is it that your next marketing campaign will succeed? Or that a certain number of products will fail quality checks on the production line? These are everyday questions that businesses must grapple with, but the answers often rely on more than intuition. The math behind these predictions, specifically probability distributions, allows businesses not only to forecast such outcomes but also to measure and manage associated risks.

What is a Probability Distribution?

A probability distribution shows how likely each outcome of a random event is. When you roll a die, for instance, each of the six faces has the same chance of appearing — 1/6. This is called a uniform distribution because every outcome is equally likely. In most business contexts, though, outcomes are rarely so evenly spread. Consider a marketing campaign, where many factors impact its success. Take a paid social media campaign on Facebook, for example. The results depend on metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, or the number of shares and likes a post gets. If you want to estimate the likelihood of getting at least 50 conversions from 500 ad clicks, probability distributions help model the situation. Whether you’re evaluating conversions or other metrics, knowing the distribution behind the data is important. But before we move to fast, let’s clarify what a probability distribution is and how it functions.

Definition of Probability Distribution

A probability distribution shows the likelihood of different outcomes for a random variable, which is the quantity being measured or counted. For a discrete random variable X, the Probability Mass Function (PMF), written as P(X = x), gives the chance that X equals a specific value x. The possible outcomes are distinct values the random variable can take, such as the number of products sold or customer clicks on an ad.

These probabilities are determined based on certain parameters — values that define the shape and behavior of the distribution. For example, in a binomial distribution, parameters include the number of trials and the probability of success in each trial. Unlike continuous random variables, which are described by a Probability Density Function (PDF), discrete variables use the PMF to represent these probabilities.

Components of a Probability Distribution

Random Variables: Discrete vs. Continuous

Random variables form the basis of probability distributions, representing the results of random events. Discrete random variables, such as daily product sales or the number of defective items in a batch, assume specific, countable values. In contrast, continuous random variables can take any value within a given range, like customer satisfaction ratings or the duration a machine runs before a breakdown.

Discrete vs. Continuous Random Variables

Probability Mass (PMF) vs Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

Two important functions help explain discrete probability distributions: the Probability Mass Function and the Cumulative Distribution Function.

The PMF shows the probability that a discrete random variable takes a specific value. For instance, if you’re monitoring the number of purchases made on an e-commerce website in an hour, and the probability of exactly 3 purchases is 0.2 (or 20%), this value is represented by the PMF. If you’re studying the number of successful sales calls a representative makes in a day, and the PMF for X = 3 is P(X = 3) = 0.25, it means there’s a 25% chance that the rep will make exactly 3 successful calls. The PMF provides the probabilities for such individual outcomes.

The CDF, however, gives the probability that the random variable is less than or equal to a specific value. For example, if you want to know the chance that a sales rep makes 3 or fewer successful calls, you use the CDF. It adds up the probabilities for all outcomes from 0 to 3. Mathematically, this looks like:

F(X ≤ 3) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3)

For instance, if:

  • P(X = 0) = 0.1
  • P(X = 1) = 0.15
  • P(X = 2) = 0.2
  • P(X = 3) = 0.25

The CDF for X ≤ 3 would be:

F(X ≤ 3) = 0.1 + 0.15 + 0.2 + 0.25 = 0.7

This means there’s a 70% chance that the sales rep will make 3 or fewer successful calls that day. This is where the CDF becomes useful for understanding cumulative probabilities across multiple outcomes.

Why Are Probability Distributions Important in Business?

Probability distributions offer a method to model uncertainty, helping companies assess risk, predict outcomes, and fine-tune operations. In marketing, for example, understanding customer behavior — such as the likelihood of clicks leading to purchases — can influence budget decisions. Businesses rely on these models to estimate the likelihood of reaching targets, such as sales figures or staying within financial limits.

Consider a retail case where a company introduces a new product and needs to predict demand. By reviewing past sales data, the company can create a probability distribution for daily sales, which assists in adjusting production levels, managing stock, and being ready for fluctuating demand.

In risk management, probability distributions help businesses weigh best-case, worst-case, and expected outcomes. For example, in financial planning, a company might use one to estimate potential losses over a specific time period, enabling better resource allocation. These models are also useful in forecasting, such as predicting revenue for the next quarter or estimating the likelihood of completing a project on schedule.

Discrete Probability Distributions

Discrete Random Variables

In business, discrete random variables refer to those that take specific, countable values. These often come up in scenarios involving counts, such as how many sales calls are successful, the number of defective items in a batch, or how often social media posts are shared in a day. Strong Excel skills, especially with pivot tables, can be quite useful here.

For example, a social media marketing team may track the daily number of Twitter shares a post gets. The random variable X represents the number of shares each day and can only take integer values like 0, 1, 2, and so on, making it a discrete variable.

Properties of Discrete Distributions

Now that you’re familiar with probability distributions, let’s connect them to concepts you already know from descriptive statistics, specifically mean and variance (related to standard deviation). These properties explain the behavior of a discrete distribution.

  • Expectation (Mean): The mean of a discrete probability distribution represents the average outcome you’d expect if an experiment or process were repeated many times. For a discrete random variable X, the expectation E(X) is calculated as:
expectation E(X)

This formula multiplies each possible outcome xi​ by its probability, then sums the results. In Excel, you can calculate this mean by using the SUMPRODUCT function to multiply the outcomes by their probabilities and then summing them:

=SUMPRODUCT(outcomes, probabilites)

For example, if the probabilities of getting 0, 1, 2, or 3 retweets on a marketing post are 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.2, respectively, the expected number of retweets would be:

On average, you would expect about 1.7 retweets per post.

  • Variance: Variance measures how much the outcomes differ from the mean, helping assess the risk or spread of outcomes. The variance Var(X) for a discrete variable is calculated as:

Excel’s VAR.P function helps calculate variance directly from the probabilities and outcomes. Using the same example, if you want to calculate the variance of retweets, you first compute the squared deviations from the mean (1.7 in this case), multiply by the probabilities, and sum them.

Alternatively, if you already have the actual retweet counts in a dataset, you can compute the variance by using:


These two metrics — mean and variance — give insight into both the expected outcome and the variability. Knowing the expected retweets (1.7) gives an idea of performance, but variance tells you how likely it is that actual results will differ from the average.

💡VAR.P is used because we are dealing with a full probability distribution that includes all possible outcomes and their probabilities. Since we know the exact probabilities for each outcome, we consider it the complete data. VAR.S, however, applies when working with a sample — a portion of the larger population. It adjusts the calculation by dividing by n-1 to correct for potential bias in representing the full population.

The Binomial Distribution

The Binomial Distribution is one of the most widely used discrete probability distributions in business, especially when dealing with processes that involve success/failure outcomes, such as product quality checks or email marketing campaigns. The term “binomial” itself refers to two possible outcomes in each trial — success or failure. The distribution was formalized by mathematicians like Jacob Bernoulli in the 18th century. In his book Ars Conjectandi, Bernoulli introduced the idea of how probabilities accumulate over repeated independent trials.

Think of a situation where you’re tracking the success of a targeted email campaign. Every recipient either opens the email (success) or doesn’t (failure), and you’re interested in how many people out of, say, 100, will open it. This is a perfect use case for the binomial distribution.

The Binomial Distribution Formula

The binomial distribution models the number of successes in a fixed number of independent trials, where each trial has only two possible outcomes. The probability of exactly k successes in n trials, with p being the probability of success on any given trial, is given by:

Binomial Distribution

Excel Example: Calculating Binomial Probabilities

Let’s go through a small business example to calculate binomial probabilities using Excel. You’re a marketing manager handling a targeted email campaign. You send the email to 1,000 people, and past data shows there’s a 20% (or 0.2) chance that any given person will open it. Now, you want to find out the probability that exactly 250 people will open the email.

Step 1: Identify Your Variables

First, let’s define the parameters of the binomial distribution:

  • n (number of trials): This is the total number of email recipients, which is 1,000.
  • k (number of successes): This is the number of recipients who open the email, which we are setting at 250 for this example.
  • p (probability of success per trial): This is the probability that an individual recipient opens the email, which is 0.2.

Step 2: Use the BINOM.DIST Function in Excel

Excel’s BINOM.DIST function helps you calculate binomial probabilities without manually applying the formula.

The syntax for the function is:

=BINOM.DIST(k, n, p, cumulative)

The cumulative argument in the BINOM.DIST function determines whether Excel returns the Probability Mass Function or the Cumulative Distribution Function. Setting cumulative to FALSE gives the PMF, which calculates the probability of getting exactly k successes — in our case, the probability of exactly 250 email opens. When cumulative is set to TRUE, Excel returns the CDF, which sums the probabilities from 0 up to k, giving the probability of getting 250 or fewer opens. This distinction is important when you want to compare specific versus cumulative outcomes in your analysis.

Step 3: Interpret the Result

Once you enter the formula, Excel will return a probability value. In this case, the result is approximately 0.0018126%. This indicates that the probability of exactly 250 out of 1,000 recipients opening the email is extremely small. The low probability reflects the natural variability in user behavior, making it highly unlikely that exactly 250 recipients will open the email. Such a precise outcome is rare because individual actions (whether or not someone opens an email) are influenced by various factors that introduce randomness.

How would the probability change if we wanted to know the likelihood that 250 or fewer recipients open the email? Can you guess which parameter in the function would need to be changed to calculate this?

(Hint: This would be a cumulative probability.)

Visualize the Binomial Distribution

Now that you’ve calculated the binomial probabilities for your email campaign, visualizing the results can provide a clearer picture of what to expect. Seeing the distribution as a graph can help you understand the likelihood of different outcomes, making it easier to communicate findings with your team.

Create a Table of Probabilities

First, create a table in Excel where you calculate the binomial probability for a range of potential outcomes. For example, you might want to calculate the probability of getting anywhere from 0 to 300 emails opening.

Set up two columns: one for the number of successes (i.e., the number of email opens), and one for the probabilities associated with each outcome. In the first column, list the numbers (e.g., 0, 25, 50, …, 300). In the second column, use the BINOM.DIST function to calculate the corresponding probabilities for each number. Your table will look something like this:

Table of Probabilities

Once your probability table is set, use a Column Chart to plot the number of email opens on the X-axis and the probabilities on the Y-axis. This graph shows how likely each outcome is, displaying the range of possible results and where the probabilities peak.

Probability Distribution

You may notice the probabilities cluster around 200 email opens. This shows that 200 is the most likely outcome, consistent with your historical data where 20% of recipients usually open the email. The bar at 200 shows the highest probability, just over 3%. Probabilities for outcomes farther from 200, like 175 or 225 opens, are much lower. This sharp focus around 200 indicates little variation, so the number of opens is not expected to stray far from that point. Probabilities decrease quickly as the number of opens moves away from 200, as shown by the smaller bars beside the peak.

Since the most probable outcome is around 200 opens, but your campaign goal might be higher, you could consider optimizing the content or targeting to improve engagement. Alternatively, if 200 opens meets your expectations, you can confidently move forward with the current plan. However, if your analysis shows a low probability of reaching the target (like 250 opens), you might need to scale your efforts, such as increasing the recipient list or testing different messaging to boost success rates.

Interpreting the Results: Making Business Decisions

Ultimately, these calculations should lead to a well-informed business decision. The process starts by identifying the specific business problem you want to address, whether it involves estimating customer responses, managing risk, or improving operational efficiency.

Business Decision-Making with Probability Distributions

After choosing the right distribution, analyzing the data allows you to calculate the probabilities of different scenarios. These calculations highlight the most likely outcomes, along with the risks of underperformance or chances of exceeding expectations. With a clear understanding of how the probabilities are distributed, businesses can make decisions that match their objectives — adjusting resources, refining strategies, or planning for varying levels of demand. Each step brings better clarity, helping turn statistical insights into practical business strategies.

➡️ If you’re interested in learning about other discrete distributions, Poisson and Geometric will be covered in my next article.

Prof. Frenzel

Data Scientist | Engineer - Professor | Entrepreneur - Investor | Finance - World Traveler